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TCA Peels

As the most popular peel we have quite a few videos going over TCA peels.

If you have questions, these will cover it 😉.

8 Responses

  1. Hello,
    Im planning my first peel ever! I’m excited!
    Can I use TCA 13% peel if I had not used the melanin inhibitor even though I have been using retinol for over a year now?
    My skin color is about type 3 with some sun spots and hyperpigmentation from pimples.
    Also, can I use the same TCA 13% peel on my eyes. I use retinol on my eyes as well.
    Thanks so much for your answer!

  2. Hi, I would like to start using the TCA 13% but was wondering what I cleansed the skin with before applying the peel?

    What acid peel would you recomend using on the neck?

    I have been using prescription hydroquinone since October 2021 & mandelic acid peel once a week also since October. I have melasma & hyperpigmentation since a laser treatment 12yrs ago.
    I’ve been everywhere & spent years buying cosmetics but nothing has worked until I discovered your mandelic acid peel!! I have dark skin & tan easily but after months of using your mandelic acid peel & hydroquinone I’m now ready to progress onto a stronger acid. I have been getting great results but feel as though some of the pigment is sitting at a deeper level.
    Kindest Regards

      1. I’m trying to get rid of lines around my mouth. I have done 3 layers of PCA peel and also done VI peel a few years ago just for overall refresher.
        Which peel can I use around the mouth and chin, I’m familiar with some.

        1. Fusion A on a daily basis (evenings) and then a TCA peel each month for 6-8 months. Do not expect a miracle after 1 or 2 peels. This is a marathon. Take photos each month and start comparing them after about month 3 or 4. You will start to see changes. Just keep it up.

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