Unit One


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What is Your Skin Condition

Today we need to take a minute & determine your skin’s condition & type.

This will help us when we are building your regimen and to see if peels are a good option for your needs.

You most likely already know you’re type but let’s go through them.

Why do we need to know this?

Your skin condition can have a big affect on the acid that you choose to use.

Normal skin will handle acids very well. We just need to keep the skin balanced to have a great outcome.

Dry skin can have an uneven uptake. The first challenge is to balance the layers of the skin. Even out the dryness so everything is smooth.

Some people are only dry because of products they are applying – or, they are being too aggressive with scrubbing or other acids.

Oily skin will handle acids very well. The most care needs to be taken immediately prior to applying the acid. Deep cleansing and possibly multiple passes with a prep solution.

If your skin is exceptionally sensitive, a chemical peel may not be the best option for you.

No worries! There are plenty of daily products such as enzymes and acid serums that may work better.

Here is the key lesson:

It is particularly important to balance out your skin prior to applying a peel – if you can. 

This is where the correct daily regimen comes in. Granular scrubs and exfoliating sponges are actually NOT the way to prepare the skin.

We want to use topicals that will chemically even the layers.

Products like retinoids and acid based cleansers will help to evenly remove excess dead skin buildup – and leave you with a smooth surface that is primed for an acid application.

Some of you may already be using products that can do this. Perfect. In case you aren’t though, let’s keep learning.

By understanding what you are wanting to work on, we can now be more specific with our acid needs.

So, let’s move onto one more important factor we need to check off our list before doing a peel series.

We need to get your skin in the best condition possible before peels.

It’s time to prime.

See you in the next lesson

12 Responses

  1. I am using a peel wipe and then serum , however lactic wipes seem to be a little harsh since I have sensitive skin. Do you have a peel for sensitive skin.? I am in mid 40s and I have some fine lines on my forehead and between my eyes, some slight signs of aging on my neck. Any suggestions?

  2. I gave normal skin and I’m looking for the best acid wash cleanser to use for a bit to prepare my face for the next step peel. What do you recommend?

    1. We suggest the 10% glycolic Revitalizing Foaming Cleanser for all normal skin types. If you are a bit on the dry side, the 5% lactic Antiaging Foaming Cleanser would be a better option. 🙂

  3. I’ve been doing TCA peels for a long time. When I was younger, my peels were better and more complete. Now that I’m in my 50’s the peels tend to be very patchy and the layers come off in smaller flakes. How do I get a better full-face peel?

    1. Hello. The most important thing that you can do is PREP. This is what evens out the skin so you get a good application. You need to be using: Retinoids each night like our Fusion A. An acid of some sort. We suggest a cleanser like our Revitalizing … but you can use a Toner or Serum 15.. something to Keep the dead skin coming off and only, healthy, new skin on top. An antioxidant so your skin is always repairing itself and of course SPF 50. If you are prepping right – your peels will work much better. Stop retinoids and leave-on acids 4-6 days prior to your peels. Other than this .. be sure your layers are even. Wet .. but not dripping. Not too dry either. 🙂 Watch our Videos like this one: https://www.platinumskincare.com/live-peel-party-2023/ to watch how it is done.

  4. I have been using TCA 7% under my eyes and 17% on face. Is it normal not to see frosting? I usually apply 3-4 layers. Thank you!!

    1. Hello. Yes, it is very normal. Frosting is Not a goal when doing TCA peels. It IS a sign to stop immediately though if you see it. For example, if you have worked up to 4 layers … but you see frosting at 2 layers = STOP.
      We are applying a drier 7% on the eyes … so you will end up where you can apply many layers (5+) if you wish. These layers are very very light, and not applied like a standard (wet) layer. So the effects will be SAFER … but, lighter. Work up as you see fit. Stop if you see any frosting/blanching of the skin.

    1. Hello. There is not a specific acid that is best for these textural changes. But, daily use of Fusion A or another retinoid IS key. Then a peel such as TCA 7 or 13 would be an excellent option if you are OK with visible flaking. If you are not, the Glycolic 30 or Mandelic 40 would be other good options.

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