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TCA Eye & Lip Peels

Here are some advanced peels for eyes and lips.

6 Responses

  1. There are a bunch of blank spots where there should be videos throughout this entire Peel University. For some of the lessons, there is text so I can just read that. However, for this one, there is no text and no video?

    1. Hello. I am seeing all videos. I am “thinking” that maybe you have some sort of blocker with the browser you are using. Please try Chrome and see how that goes. OR … go to the site with an Incognito Browser. That will remove any settings you have and you will be able to see everything.

  2. I’m 43 but have deep wrinkles around crows feet & below brow sags (hooded). With lowest concentration be safe for me to use? I have never used a tca peel or anything below my brow. Thanks

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